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SharePoint Connector

Configure the SharePoint connector if you're using SharePoint to manage your content and want to make your existing content searchable with SearchAI. Configuring SharePoint as a content source requires:

  • Registering a multi-tenant app in SharePoint
  • Configuration of the SharePoint connector in SearchAssist

Authorization Support

Search AI supports OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant Type mechanism for SharePoint.

Registering multi-tenant app in SharePoint

App registrations are required to access resources programmatically. Registering an application establishes trust between the SearchAI application and the identity provider, the Microsoft identity platform. To register,

Azure Home

  • Register a new application. To do so, go to App Registrations under Applications and click on New Registration.

App Registration

Account Types

  • This will generate a client ID, which will be used to identify the application uniquely in the Microsoft Identity Platform. Save the ClientId and TenantId from the Overview section.

Client Credentials

Client Credentials

  • Enter a description and set the expiration time to 24 months. Click Add.

Client Credentials

  • Save the client secret generated. The client secret cannot be seen again on switching the tabs.

Client Credentials

  • The next step is to set up the application's required permissions. Go to API Permissions and click Add a permission.

API Permissions

  • Add the following delegated permissions found under Microsoft Graph.

    • User.ReadBasic.All
    • Group.Read.All
    • Directory.AccessAsUser.All
    • Files.Read
    • Files.Read.All
    • Sites.Read.All
    • Offline_access

    Request Permissions

  • After adding all the permissions, click Grant Admin Consent to grant the permissions to the application.

Grant Permissions

  • To configure the SharePoint connector in SearchAssist, use the client ID, client secret, and tenant ID generated above. For more details, refer to this.

Configuration of the SharePoint connector

Go to the Connectors under Sources and select SharePoint. On the Authorization page, enter the Client ID, Tenant ID, and Client Secret generated during the application registration in the Azure portal. Choose the desired content type—All, Articles, or Files. Assign a name for the connector, then click Connect.

This will authenticate with the SharePoint application. Once the authorization process is complete and the connector is configured, the next step is to select the SharePoint sites from which you want to ingest the content and make it searchable. Go to the Configure section, click the Select Content link, select the sites from which you want to ingest content, and click Save. Click on Sync Now to start content ingestion.