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Monday Connector

Monday is a work operating system used to plan, track, and manage workflows, projects, and team collaboration. It features customizable boards that allow users to manage workflows, assign tasks, and visualize progress across projects.

SearchAI enables ingesting content from items within boards on Monday, making them searchable and enhancing accessibility.


Type of Repository Cloud
Supported Content Type Items on a board
RACL Support Yes
Content Filtering Support No

Authorization Support

Search AI supports interaction with Monday using both the Monday API token and the **OAuth 2.0 **authentication mechanism.

Monday Configuration

Generate Monday API Token

  • Click on the profile pic in the top right corner.
  • Go to the Administration page. Click on Connections and go to the API tab. Click Generate to generate a new token. Copy the token.
  • Alternatively, go to the Developers page and click on My Access Tokens. It will show the access tokens. Copy the token.

Refer to this for more details.

Generate OAuth Credentials

Refer to this for more details.

Monday Connector Configuration in Search AI

Provide the following fields while configuring the Monday connector in Search AI.

  1. Name: Unique identifier for the connector.
  2. Authorization Type: Select Personal Access Token or OAuth 2.0. Personal Access Token here refers to the user’s global API token. For OAuth 2.0, provide the client credentials.

The following properties are used to map the content from the Monday application to SearchAI application. Currently, only standard fields are supported, hence it is not mandatory to provide all the other fields.

RACL Support

Currently, access control is implemented for the Monday Connector in Search AI using the **BoardID **of the board. For every item in the board, the sys_raclfield contains the board ID as a permission entity. To associate users with this permission entity, use the Permission Entity APIs.