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Lead Capture in Salesforce CRM Using AI Chatbot

You can automate the capture of a lead’s details on chat channels by Installing the Lead Capture for Salesforce CRM.

With the Lead Capture dialog template, you can collect user fields in a conversational format and automate the creation of leads in Salesforce.

Getting Started

The XO Platform makes it simple to Install the Lead Capture template for Salesforce CRM to automate the capture of a lead’s details on chat channels. Once the fields are captured, the system automatically creates a lead object in Salesforce.

The entire process consists of the following steps:

  1. Link your Salesforce CRM account.
  2. Install the Lead Capture for Salesforce CRM.
  3. Train and Test the Dialog Tasks.
  1. Click Marketplace in the left navigation and select Salesforce CRM Integration. The Salesforce CRM Integration dialog box is displayed. marketplace

  2. Click Install at the top-right corner. The Instructions tab is highlighted.

  3. Switch to the Authenticate and Install tab - click the tab. The Authorization Details section is displayed.

  4. Authorization Type – Select the Pre-authorize the Integration option, and then select the OAuth option.

System Authorization

Pre-authorize Salesforce CRM integration with the necessary authorization credentials to obtain the token to access external services.

  • Select System to enable the’s preconfigured Salesforce app and click Authorize.

  • Once you click Authorize, you are redirected to Salesforce login page.

  • Enter your developer account credentials to successfully connect with your Salesforce Account.

Custom Authorization

Create your own custom authorization profile to obtain an access token and use it to complete integration without using’s Salesforce app for authorization.

  • Select the Custom to enable the custom authorization profile.
  • Click the Select Authorization drop-down and select the Create New option. authorization

  • Select the type of authorization mechanism. For example, select the OAuth v2 option. To create custom OAuth profiles, see Setting Up Authorization Using OAuth v2.

  • Enter the following authentication credentials for the OAuth v2 mechanism:

    • Call back URL
    • Identity Provider Name
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret Key
    • Authorization URL
    • Token Request URL
    • Scope
    • Refresh Token URL


  • Click Save Auth to save Authorization Profile
  • Select the new Authorization Profile, which you created to enable integration.
  • Click Authorize. You are navigated to “”.


  • Enter login credentials to successfully connect with your Salesforce Account.
  • Once the authorization is successful, you will see a success message.
  • Click Proceed. When you configure the action for the first time, the Integration Installed Successfully pop-up is displayed.


Step 2: Install the Lead Capture Template for Salesforce CRM

  1. Go to the Marketplace and select Lead Capture for Salesforce CRM Dialog Template.


  1. The Lead Capture installation dialog box is displayed. Click Install to begin the installation.

  2. Enter the following details in the Lead Capture dialog task.

    1. Name: Name of the dialog.
    2. Description: Description of the dialog.
    3. Utterances: Create utterances in all ways you expect customers to articulate a request, which will trigger the dialog.
    4. Channel Experiences: Define the experiences you want for this dialog for the channel types.
    5. Lead Capture Setup: Define the Lead Capture setup and the information to be captured.
  3. Click Finish.

  4. Once the template is installed, a dialog task for it is auto-created. You can find it in the list of dialogs in Automation AI > Virtual Assistant > Use Cases > Dialogs.

Step 3: Train the Chatbot for the Dialog Task and Test It

  1. Click the Test icon.
  2. Choose a conversation type (Voice Conversation or Chat Conversation) to test the flow.
  3. Click Train to complete the untrained utterances.
  4. Follow the prompts in the App console to create a lead, as shown below.

  5. Enter all lead details when prompted by the Chatbot, as shown below:

  6. The new lead is created in Salesforce CRM. To view the lead, log in to Salesforce, go to App Launcher > Marketing CRM Classic > Leads.

  7. Publish your App so the end users can use this capability.

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