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Flow Nodes

The Flow Designer canvas lets you configure nodes representing various flow components.

The Start node is the starting point of any flow and is available by default. You can drag and drop it (as well as any other nodes) anywhere on the canvas.

Available Node Types

Voice IVR Menu It allows you to add IVR menu options, which callers can select by pressing a phone key.
Voice IVR Digit Input Use this node to ask for digit input from callers – for example, a phone number or the last four digits of their credit card.
Voice Chat Split Use this node to split inbound queries based on specific conditions.
Voice Chat Check Agent Availability This node lets you check agent availability based on skillset and decide the next node based on agent availability. Note: This is an experimental node and may be deprecated in future versions.
Voice Chat Check Business Hours It allows you to select the working hours and decide the next node depending on whether the query is received within or outside those hours.
Voice Chat Message Prompt Use this node to provide messages to customers who contact you via voice or chat.
Voice Chat Automation This node helps run a specific dialog built within your XO Platform Bot.
Voice Chat Agent Transfer This node allows you to explicitly transfer control from an existing contact flow to a live agent based on triggers.
Voice Chat Connect to API This node lets you make synchronous or asynchronous requests using SOAP or REST API calls.
Voice Chat Go To Flow This node helps navigate from a parent to a target flow, already built within Contact Center AI to cover a specific part of the customer interaction.
Voice Chat Script Task This node allows you to define a script for processing context variables or other variables used within the flow.
Voice Chat Set Queue Use this node to define/modify Queue settings, default messages, and behavior.
Voice Chat End Flow This node allows you to define what message will be played to the customer when the flow ends.

Add Nodes

Method 1: Click the “+” icon and select a node from the pop-up menu. Node Selection

Select the node from the list and click + New Node. Add New Node

Method 2: Drag nodes from within the Nodes Panel onto the Canvas, as shown in the demo below: Add Node

Configure Nodes

To configure any node added to your canvas, click the node. The configuration panel opens. Node Configuration Panel

Rearrange Nodes

To rearrange nodes on your canvas, drag and drop them to the desired location. Rearrange Nodes


Only the node that you are dragging will change position. Any connecting nodes will remain in place, regardless of the direction of their connection.

Connect Nodes

Node connections are either made within the configuration of each node or by dragging and dropping the nodes on the canvas. The steps are the following:

  1. Click the + and move the cursor to the node you want to connect.
  2. A line should now be drawn between the nodes, with an arrow indicating the direction of the node connection. Connect Nodes

Edit/Delete Node Connections

To edit/delete node connections, click the line connecting two nodes. The line is highlighted and a pop-up is displayed with the following options:

  • Bend line connector,
  • Straight line connector,
  • Change line color,
  • Delete connector.
    Connection Options

Edit Node Connection: Click the respective icon to edit the node connector. For example, to change the color of the connector, click the color icon and select the color. Change Connector Color

Delete Node Connection: Click the Delete button to delete the connection. The nodes remain on the canvas but will not be connected anymore. To ensure a working flow, you must create another connection between the nodes or remove unnecessary nodes. See the Delete Nodes section below for details.
Delete Node Connection

Edit/Delete Nodes

To edit/delete nodes, right-click the node. The following options are displayed:

  • Rename,
  • Mark as Flow Starting Point,
  • Sequence Color,
  • Delete.
    Edit/Delete Node

Edit Node: Click the respective icon to edit the node. For example, to change its color, click the sequence color icon and select the color. Edit Node Color

Delete Node: Click the Delete button. A confirmation pop-up is displayed. Click Confirm to delete the node.


  • You cannot restore deleted nodes unless you have previously saved a version that contains them. Restoring a version also means that you may lose other changes you made to the flow. Please proceed with caution. See Restore Versions for details.
  • You cannot delete the Start node.

Delete Node