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Contact Center AI allows you to integrate external systems and pages into the Agent Console. Agents can use widgets from within custom Agent Console Layouts.


For widgets to load properly within the agent console, you may need to set up permissions to allow “’ to access the application or page you want to integrate.

Add a Widget

Steps to add an external widget:

  1. Go to Contact Center AI > CONFIGURATIONS > Widgets.
  2. Click External Widget.
    Widgets Page

  3. The External Widgets window opens. Click + New External Widget. New External Widget

  4. The Add Widget window opens, and you can configure the following:

    1. The Widget Name by which to identify it later.
    2. The Widget Icon. Click the section to upload a file, or use drag-and-drop.
      Widget Name and Icon
  5. If you want to remove an icon, click the Delete (bin) button on the right side. You can re-upload an icon afterward as needed.
    Delete Icon Button

  6. The URL is the address of the system or webpage that you want to integrate as a widget. You can create a dynamic URL and select variables from a static list or based on custom variables that reside inside the meta-info of the conversation. Select parameters from the {} Variable drop-down. The available variables are Agent Id, Customer Email Id, Conversation Id, Agent First Name, Customer First Name, Customer Last Name, Customer phone Number, and Agent Last Name. You can also insert a custom variable of the type:


  7. The Failure URL displays in case the intended page does not load. You can set the same variables as for the main URL above.
    URL and Failure URL

  8. Click Save to save the widget.
    Save Widget

  9. Once saving the widget, a success message displays, and the widget is listed within the External Widgets window. Widget Created

Edit a Widget

To edit an existing widget, find it in the list of External Widgets, then click on it. The configuration window opens, and you can edit the name, icon, URLs, or all.
Edit Widget

Delete a Widget

To delete an existing widget, find it in the list of External Widgets, then click on it. Click the Delete (bin) button on the left of the bottom toolbar, then confirm your choice.
 Delete Widget Button


When deleting a widget, all configurations are lost, and the widget is removed from the Agent Console. You cannot restore deleted widgets. Please proceed with caution.

Add a Widget to an Agent Console Layout

Once you save an external widget, you can add it to the Agent Console using the Manage Layout feature.

To add a widget to an Agent Console Layout, follow these steps:

  1. From within SmartAssist, click Manage Layout on the top toolbar.
  2. From the list of available layouts, select the one to which you want to add the widget and click the Edit (✐) icon next to it.
  3. On the Edit Layout screen, find the widget in the left-hand-side panel. Drag and drop it to the right-hand-side panel.
    Edit Layout

  4. Click Save. Once the widget is added, the integrated system or page will display within the widget as part of the selected Agent Console Layout. See what it looks like in the demo below. Layout Demo

Delete a Widget from an Agent Console Layout

To delete a widget from an Agent Console Layout, follow these steps:

  1. From within any SmartAssist screen, click Manage Layout on the top toolbar.
  2. From the list of available layouts, select the one to which you want to add the widget and click the Edit (✐) icon next to it.
    Edit Layout

  3. On the Edit Layout screen, click More Options at the top of the widget, then select Delete. Delete Widget From Layout


Deleting a widget from the Agent Console Layout only removes it from the agents’ view. The external widget configuration remains in place, and you can choose to integrate it again later.