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The campaign dashboard allows campaign managers to track the progress and other essential metrics related to campaigns.

To access dashboards, go to Contact Center AI > Campaigns > Dashboard. Dashboard Page

The following details related to campaigns are displayed on the dashboard:

  1. Campaign name - Name of the campaign. For example: Campaign 1.
  2. Campaign type - Agentless (Voice campaigns only)
  3. Progress - Progress of the campaign. For example: 3 of 10.
  4. Status - Ready, Active, Paused, Rerun, or Completed.
  5. Campaign Start Date and Time - Date and Time when the campaign started. For example: Started on Sep 29th, 2023 11:03 am

Clicking any campaign displays detailed information related to the selected campaign.

Voice Campaigns

Voice Campaign Details

Campaign Name: Agentless


This section displays the following information:

  • Progress - Progress of the campaign.
  • Connected Calls - Count and percentage of connected calls.
  • Unconnected Calls - Count and percentage of unconnected calls, including calls that go into the retry state.
  • Avg. Call Duration - Average Duration of all the connected calls in the campaign.


This section displays the following information:

Outbound Dialer System Disposition - The following dispositions are assigned by the dialer system:

  • Connected: If the call is answered, a human voice or voicemail is detected.
  • No Answer: No answer after a full ring.
  • Busy: If the dialed number is busy.
  • Failed: If the call was dialed but not connected or couldn’t be dialed as the number is invalid.
  • Canceled: If the customer canceled the call.
  • Completed: If the call is answered, then the agent disconnects it, and a disposition is included.
  • Agent Disposition (Top 5)- Top 5 dispositions selected by agents.

Hovering over the dispositions shows their counts.

SMS Campaigns

SMS Campaign Details

Campaign Name: Up-sell of Feature


This section displays the following information:

  • Progress - Progress of the campaign.
  • Messages Delivered - Total count of messages delivered in the campaign.
  • Delivery Rate - The percentage of SMS sent and received by recipients (SMS received/SMS sent X 100).

Messages Delivered

This section displays the total count of messages delivered. You can select from the following options:

  • Last 24 hours
  • Last 07 days
  • Last 30 days

Hovering over the hours/days shows the count of messages delivered and the delivery rate.
SMS Campaign Dashboard Hover

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