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Adding the WhatsApp Business Messaging Channel

Adding the WhatsApp Channel using Infobip Application

To complete this procedure, you must already have an Infobip account. This is one of the messaging providers for enabling WhatsApp Business Messaging on the Kore Platform.

Steps to configure Infobip:

  1. Login to the Infobip developer portal.
  2. On the left navigation menu, click the Channels and Numbers option and select the WhatsApp channel on the Channel Essentials panel. infobib

  3. To configure a new number for the Infobip and WhatsApp messaging platforms’ integration, follow one of the steps given below:

    • Scan the QR code under Overview > Connect on the WhatsApp page on the Infobip portal using the camera or QR scanner on your mobile device.
    • Follow the instructions for steps 2 and 3 shown in the image below. infobib integration

    • Alternatively, add the number shown on the screen of the Infobip sender to your WhatsApp contacts. infobib sender


    The mobile number should have the country code preceded by a plus (+) sign to activate the Infobip and WhatsApp connections.

  4. Once the number is associated, select the Senders tab to view or edit the numbers for WhatsApp messaging. infobib connection

  5. Click the ellipses icon under Action and select Edit Configuration. edit infobib configuration

  6. On the Edit Configuration page, click the edit icon, add the URL for incoming messages (copy the Webhook URL from the Kore Platform under Channels & Flows > Channels > Digital > All > WhatsApp Business Messaging > Configurations tab) and click Back. deploy infobib

  7. Next, to add Infobip’s Base URL, follow these steps:

    • On the Platform, go to Channels & Flows > Channels > Digital > All and click WhatsApp Business Messaging.
    • On the WhatsApp Business Messaging panel, click the Configurations tab and provide inputs for the following fields:

      • Messaging Partner – Select Infobip from the dropdown list.
      • Phone Number – Copy and paste the number displayed on the Infobip portal for your account under the Connect section (please refer to step 3). The Platform now supports adding multiple phone numbers on the WhatsApp Messaging Channel for the same Virtual Assistant. The Virtual Assistant responds to only the source number from which it receives the message rather than a common phone number. Learn more.
      • Base URL: Copy the Base URL from this page. This URL will be used on to send the messages when the WhatsApp Business Messaging channel is enabled. infobib messaging partner

      • Username and Password: The username and password of the Infobip account holder. Infobip’s API requires authentication and uses the basic authorization for sending and receiving messages over the API with these values.

      • Webhook URL: Copy the webhook URL provided in the configuration tab and update the same on the Infobip developer portal for Infobip to send the received messages from the subscriber (WhatsApp Business Messaging). infobib API
    • Select Yes to enable the WhatsApp Business Messaging channel.

    • Click Save to complete the integration setup. save infobib configuration


    If you’re using the development sandbox on Infobip, once the channel is enabled and published, you will need to send messages in the format “[Keyword on infobip] (User input)” For example, “Kore Hi”.

Viewing WhatsApp Message Logs on Infobip

Once you’ve sent a message to Infobip using the WhatsApp Business Messaging channel, you can track the text, Virtual Assistant responses, delivery status, and errors (if any) on your Infobip account under Channels and Numbers > Channel Essentials > WhatsApp > Overview > View Logs.

view infobib logs

infobib errors

Messaging Templates

WhatsApp for business communications supports the following messaging types for the Infobip channel:

  • Templates: Formatted, non-editable, and pre-registered messages approved by WhatsApp.
  • Free-Form texts: Free-flowing text messages.

The XO Platform now supports public APIs for WhatsApp templates on the Infobip channel. These templates can be used during virtual assistant conversations to structure the messages exchanged. Since global UI/rich template formats are not supported, the bot designer should register the required templates with Infobip and get them approved.

The Platform automatically decides the payload to be sent to the channels after parsing Advanced Messages (JS) that include one of the following:

  • String: A free-form text message template is used if the JS result is a string.
  • Object: A message template is used if the JS result is an object.

Additional Information

  • To learn more about creating and managing templates, please refer to this link.
  • To know more about various message types and the structure of templates, please refer to this link.
  • To learn more about sending template messages, please refer to this link.

Adding the WhatsApp Channel Using GupShup Application

The Platform supports integration with GupShup to enable WhatsApp business as a channel. In this integration, the platform provides a Webhook URL to be called by GupShup during a conversation to enable events and exchange messages.


To enable WhatsApp Messaging on this channel, you must have a GupShup enterprise account.

The important steps in completing this channel enablement are as follows:

  1. Create a GupShup Application.
  2. Configure the Channel Enablement.

  3. Secure the Integration.

Step 1: Create a GupShup Application

The first step in the WhatsApp Messaging Channel integration is to create a GupShup application, To create an app, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the GupShup portal and navigate to the Dashboard → WhatsApp section. save gupshup application

  2. Click the + Create App button. create gupshup app

  3. On the Create App screen, click Access API to select the app type. access gupshup api

  4. Provide a unique name for the application and click Submit. submit gupshup app

  5. For Step 2: Onboard your Users, click Next. onboard gupshup

Step 2: Configure the Channel Enablement

To send messages to your GupShup users on the WhatsApp Business Messaging Channel, follow the steps below:

Step 2a: Create a new WhatsApp Business Account

Once you have created a GupShup app, you need to create a WABA to set up the integration with a number. To create a WABA, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the WhatsApp Dashboard on your GupShup Developer Console.
  2. Click the Go Live button of the desired app in the list. enable gupshup app

  3. On the Let’s Get Started window, select the New Number option under Managed onboarding with Gupshup.

  4. Click Proceed. add gupshup number

  5. Enter your details to set up your WhatsApp Business account and click Next.

  6. Follow all the instructions on the screen to Setup the WhatsApp Account, Get WhatsApp Approvals, and Complete Verification.
  7. Once the account is verified with your Facebook Business ID, the WABA ID, Mobile number, and Password are displayed.

Step 2b: Set up the WABA Parameters on the Platform

To integrate your GupShup service using the WBM channel to the XO Platform, follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the Mobile number, WABA ID, and the Password from the GupShup WhatsApp Dashboard.
  2. On the Bot Builder, navigate to Channels & Flows > Channels > Digital > All > WhatsApp Business Messaging.
  3. Click the Configurations tab on the WhatsApp Business Messaging window.
  4. Select GupShup from the dropdown list for Messaging Partner.
  5. Paste the copied values for Mobile number, WABA ID, and Password in the respective input fields. add gupshup WABA ID

Step 2c: Configure the Callback URL/Webhook URL

To link to your bot on the Platform to receive inbound messages/events, you must configure the Callback/Webhook URL on your GupShup WhatsApp Dashboard.

To set up the Callback URL, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Bot Builder, navigate to Channels & Flows > Channels > Digital > All > WhatsApp Business Messaging.
  2. Click the Configurations tab on the WhatsApp Business Messaging window.
  3. Ensure you have selected GupShup for the Messaging Partner field. Click Copy to copy the Webhook URL. enter gupshup webhook

  4. Navigate to your GupShup WhatsApp Dashboard.

  5. Click the Settings icon for your app of type Access API. enter gupshup settings

  6. On the Settings page, scroll down to the Test Access API and set callback URL section.

  7. Click the Callback URL / Link your Bot tab.
  8. Turn on the toggle switch and paste the Webhook URL you copied from the Bot Builder in the Enter your Callback URL input field. test gupshup api

  9. Click Set.

    Refer to this link for more information on setting up the Callback/Webhook URL on the Gupshup Dashboard.


    Contact the Gupshup customer support team to help configure the webhook URL on GupShup and enable inbound messages to the bot.

  10. Once the callback is set successfully on the XO Platform WhatsApp Business Messaging window, follow the steps below:

    • (Optional) Enable the Associate an App option, if required, and follow the configuration steps.
    • Select YES for the Enable Channel option.
    • Click Save.

Step 3: Secure the Integration

The Webhook URL used on the WhatsApp Business Messaging Channel for GupShup is a public URL that may cause security vulnerabilities. The XO Platform enforces an authentication mechanism by securing the webhook URL and associating it with a App. The Associate an App feature is used for this purpose.

This feature is available under Channels & Flows > Channels > Digital > All > WhatsApp Business Messaging > Configurations.

secure gupshup integration

How it Works

When Associate an App is enabled, the following happens:

  1. The URL is called by GupShup (the Callback URL you configure under Settings) where the channel passes the authorization token as the header information.
  2. The Platform checks for the JWT Token of the associated app in the Header and accepts the Webhook API call(s).
  3. However, if the Token is missing, the Platform rejects the incoming API call(s) and responds with an error code.

Once you enable Associate an App, you must manually select an app and configure it for the GupShup app (by clicking Copy and pasting the Client ID and Client Secret (shown above) from the XO Platform).


This channel configuration is not a part of the Bot Import/Export feature. The user should manually enable the channel for the target Bot. The integration flow remains the same even with the App Association feature.

Messaging Templates

As part of the GupShup WhatsApp channel integration, the Platform supports the following Gupshup outbound message types to provide an engaging, interactive end-user experience:

  • Templates: WhatsApp-approved, pre-formatted messages that are not editable.
  • Free-flowing: Messages that support all media types are known as “free-form.”

You may have to switch between these message types depending on the timing and initiation of the chat.

Whether you are messaging clients inside the messaging window determines the type of message you send. When messaging customers outside of this window, you must follow pre-approved message template rules. Learn more.

Message templates for outbound messages play a crucial role in ensuring businesses adhere to WhatsApp policies when initiating communications. These templates come preformatted with predefined text, providing a structured framework for messages sent to end users. Their reusability is particularly valuable when sending the same message multiple times.

Instead of transmitting the actual message content, the template name serves as the identifier for the message content when sending a message template.

Templates can incorporate placeholders, allowing for the inclusion of values or customized information before sending the template message. Additionally, template headers may include media that provides more detailed information. Introducing buttons to messages further enhances interactivity and engagement.

Message templates typically consist of Header, Body, Footer, and Buttons. For detailed see Gupshup docs

The Document with Text template is also supported for outbound messages. With this template, developers can send a document along with informative text for end users to download.

A sample template script is given below:

''' var msg = {

"type": "document",

"message_text":"This is document caption",

"caption":"This document talks about Gupshup features",

"filename": "Developer.pdf",

"document": {"url":""}




Prior to submitting notifications through the WhatsApp Business Solution or the WhatsApp Cloud Business Solution, it is imperative to create and register your message templates. This step ensures that the templates comply with WhatsApp’s review requirements, facilitating effective communication within the platform.

The XO Platform supports public APIs for the integration and utilization of WhatsApp Outbound Templates on the GupShup channel. Contact( our experts to learn more.

Support for WhatsApp Pay

The XO Platform supports WhatsApp Pay, a digital payment service that enables instant money transfers between banks through mobile devices using the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) system for the GupShup channel. GupShup, as a WhatsApp Business integration provider, supports outbound message types Order Details [Text] and Order Status templates, which are also supported on the XO Platform via APIs.

How it Works

  1. When the end user completes the transaction using the WhatsApp Pay template rendered on the WhatsApp channel, the Platform receives an inbound message.
  2. The Inbound message is in the form of a JSON Object containing payment details and their respective status.
  3. The Platform automatically decides the payload to be sent to the channels after parsing Advanced Messages (JS) that include one of the following:
    • String: A free-form text message template is used if the JS result is a string.
    • Object: A message template is used if the JS result is an object.
  4. The Platform accepts this JSON object format as the Composite entity type and stores it in the context object under the respective entity.

An example of a success payload is given below:

   "waNumber": "919XXXXXXXX3",
   "mobile": "919XXXXXXXX",
  "interactive": "{\"payment\":{\"transaction_id\":\"31706099xxxx\",\"reference_id\":\"fastag091-12xx\",\"total_amount\":{\"offset\":100,\"value\":300},\"currency\":\"INR\",\"transaction_type\":\"upi\",\"status\":\"success\"},\"type\":\"payment\"}",
  "name": "ɹɐʞsxxxxx sxxxxxɹɥS",
  "type": "interactive",
  "timestamp": "1687160320000"

Error Response Codes

The table below outlines the various error status codes that may occur when receiving incoming requests through the Gupshup Whatsapp channel:

Scenario Status Code Message
Authorization header is missing 401 Access token not found
Authorization header is incorrect 401 Invalid access
JSON request body is missing 500 Internal Server Error
Invalid “streamId” in the request URL 500 Internal Server Error
Missing "mobile" field in the request body 500 Internal Server Error

Adding the WhatsApp Channel Using Karix Application

To integrate Karix to your WhatsApp Business Messaging channel and enable it for a bot, you’ll need to perform the following setup under the Configuration tab.


To complete this procedure, you must already have a Karix account. This is one of the messaging provider for enabling WhatsApp Business Messaging.


  1. Gather the following details from the Karix support team.
    • Vendor
    • Account Key
    • From
  2. Copy the Webhook URL from the Platform and share it with the Karix support team. The Karix support team will need to configure this URL on their platform for a successful handshake between and Karix.

Configuration Steps

On the WhatsApp Business Messaging platform, follow the below steps:

  1. Select Karix from the list for Messaging Partner.
  2. Enter the Phone Number to map to the WhatsApp Business Messaging channel.
  3. Provide the Account Key you’ve received from the Karix support team.
  4. Provide the Webhook URL shared with the Karix support team.
  5. Select Yes for Enable Channel.
  6. Click Save. configure karix