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Configure Digital Forms

In this How-To, we will explore a scenario in a Banking Bot, where the user can create an additional account. We will see how Digital Forms can be used to gather all the required information from the user and create the account.

For details on what Digital Forms are and how it is implemented in the XO Platform, click here.

Illustration with an Example

Consider a Banking Bot trying to address the following scenarios:

  1. An already registered user wants to open an additional account.
  2. There are three types of accounts that are available, each with further options:

    • Savings Account.
    • Checking Account with an option to opt for a Cash Card and set the miniumum balance.
    • Credit Card with an option to choose the type of card to be Platinum, Gold, Silver or Basic.

    banking form


  • Bot building knowledge.
  • A configured Banking Bot.


Let us consider each of the following scenarios:

  1. Digital Form to gather input from the user;
  2. Dialog Task to:
    • Trigger the above Digital Form.
    • Capture the user-entered account information.

Digital Form Configuration

Create a form to gather the following information:

  • Account Name – pre-populated with the user’s name with an option to change it;
  • Type of Account that the user wants to create, default selection to Savings Account;
  • Based on the type of account selected above the following details to be gathered:
    • Savings – No further information required.
    • Checkings – Whether Cash Card is required, if yes then the maximum withdrawal limit (range between $100 to $1000) to be enforced on that card;
    • Credit Card – The type of card required
      • Platinum card (levies additional charge).
      • Gold
      • Silver
      • Basic
    • Trading - Identity proof required.

Form Creation

  1. From the Bot Builder platform, open the Banking Bot.
  2. Navigate to Automation AI > Virtual Assistant > Digital Skills > Digital Forms to access the Digital Forms page.
  3. Click New Form and enter the following:

    • Name – name of the form that will be used by the engine, let's set as OpenNewAccount
    • Display Name for the form, let's set as Open an Account
    • Description of the form. Select form’s Header Style: You can choose a specific header style from the listed illustrations – the circle indicates the position of logo/icon with respect to the title of the form in the header.

      Click the card to select the style. If it has a logo, you can upload an image file (png or jpg) for the logo.


      During the Export of the Bot, the logo is not exported along with Digital Forms. So, while importing this Bot, you need to separately copy the logo image file and then manually reupload the logo.

  4. Description: Turn on the toggle to show a description of the form in the header.

  5. Save & Proceed to the next step.

    form creation next step

Form Editor

  1. Form Editor opens with components on the left, and a blank form. You can drag and drop components to the form as per your requirement.
  2. By default, a Submit button is added to the form. This would trigger the submit event which would capture the user input and save in context object.
  3. Drag and drop a Text Field component onto the form.
  4. As soon as you drag and drop a component, its property settings panel will be displayed.
  5. In that panel congigure the following settings:

    • Display Name set as Name.
    • Name used for internal reference, set as accountname.
    • Description of the field.
    • Placeholder value to be displayed in the field when blank, set as, Enter the name of the account holder. form editor panel

    • Mask User Input/Secure Field Data is a toggle under Data Settings that enables securing of the input data. The label of this toggle varies as below:

      • If Secure Form Data is enabled, the caption of this toggle is Mask User Input. At runtime, the input data is masked.
      • If Secure Form Data is disabled, the caption of this toggle is Secure Field Data. At runtime, the data of this field will be redacted. This would be a component level setting for data redaction.
    • Transient Input is a toggle under Data Settings which, if enabled, ensures that the data provided in this field is not stored anywhere after the session ends. This would mean that the data won't be available in the database or logs as well.

      Field data securing and Transient data


    Mask User Input/Secure Field Data and Transient Input toggles are available for all the components, and need to be set on component level. Settings of one component will have no impact on others.

  6. Next, a selection box for the type of account to be opened. Drag and drop a Dropdown component onto the form and set the following values:

    • Display Name set as Account Type.
    • Name used for internal reference, set as accounttype.
    • Description of the field.
    • Placeholder value to be displayed in the field when blank, set as, Select the type of account you want to open.
  7. Scroll and locate Data Settings, and deselect Multi Select option.
  8. Against Dropdown values click Add Values to enter the values – Checking, Savings, Credit Card, Trading. You can mark one value, Savings, as default. This would be selected by default at the time of execution.

    data settings add value

  9. Next, for the Cash Card option when the account type is selected to be a Checkings account. Drag and drop a Toggle component onto the form and set the following values:

    • Display Name set as Cash Card.
    • Name used for internal reference, set as cashcard.
    • Description of the field. In this case, the question, Want a cash card?
    • Value as Yes when selected and No when deselected.
  10. Scroll and locate Visibility Settings. This component should be visible only when the account type is set to Checkings.

  11. Add Visibility Rules – Rule 1 for the field to be Visible, select accounttype field, =(Equal To) operator, Value comparison with, Checkings value.

    visibility rules

  12. If the user opts for cash card, then the withdrawal limit needs to be set on the same. Drag and drop a Range Slider component onto the form and set the following values:

    • Display Name set as Withdrawal Limit.
    • Name used for internal reference, set as withdrawallimit.
    • Description of the field.
    • Placeholder value to be displayed in the field when blank, set as, Set the withdrawal limit.
  13. Deselect Is Percentage

  14. Select Value as 100 for Min and 10000 for Max.
  15. Under Data Settings you can set the Default Value to be 150, this would be pre-selected.
  16. Visibility Rules would be a compound rule – account type is checkings and cash card is selected.
  17. Scroll and locate Visibility Settings. This component should be visible only when the account type is set to Checkings and the Cash Card is opted.
  18. Add Visibility Rules – Rule 1 field to be visible when, select, accounttype field, =(Equal To) operator, Value comparison with Checkings value AND selecting cashcard field, =(Equal To) operator, Value comparison with Yes value.
  19. Switch to Advanced Mode to enter the visibility rules.

    switch to advanced mode

  20. For the Credit Card option,you need to further select the type of card. Drag and drop a Radio Button component onto the form and set the following values:

    • Display Name set as Card Type.
    • Name used for internal reference, set as cardtype.
    • Description of the field.
    • Placeholder value to be displayed in the field when blank, set as, Choose the type of credit card.
  21. Under Data Settings, set the Radio values to be Platinum, Gold, Silver, and _Basic.

  22. Scroll and locate Visibility Settings. This component should be visible only when the account type is set to Credit Card.

    • Set Is visible flag to Yes.
    • Add Visibility Rules – Rule 1 for the filed to be Visible, select accounttype field, _=(Equal To) operator, Value comparison with, Credit Card value.

    data settings

  23. Finally, the Pro-Tip, when user selects a Platinum card. Drag and drop a Pro Tip component onto the form and set the following values:

    • Set Display Name as Platinum Tip.
    • Name used for internal reference, mention platinumtip.
    • Description would be the tip you want to display, eg. Additional charges will apply.
  24. Scroll and locate Visibility Settings. This component should be visible only when the account type is set to Credit Card.

    • Set Is visible flag to Yes
    • Add Visibility Rules – Rule 1 for the field to be Visible select accounttype field, =(Equal To) operator, Value comparison with, Credit Card value AND selecting cardtype field, =(Equal To) operator, Value comparison with, Platinum value.

    visibility settings

    Your form is ready. You can toggle between Desktop View and Mobile View to see how it looks in those devices.

    toggle views

  25. You can select how the VA handles the conversation when the user cancels the form. You can choose from two options:

    • Discard the task and trigger End of Task Event: This is the default option.

      discard task

    • Continue with this task and transition to this node: In the Select Node drop-down list, you can select any node present in the current dialog task.

      select node dropdown


      The target node has to be in the same dialog, you cannot make a jump to a target node outside the current dialog. The list of target nodes only shows the local nodes.

      If the target node is not present during runtime, the platform presents the error Error in continuing the conversation, and the task should get discarded.

  26. Use the Test button to see a preview.

Dialog Task Configuration

We will be creating a dialog task and adding a form node to trigger the Digital Form created in the above step and use a service node to make a service call to add the new account from the form data.

Create Dialog Task

  1. Navigate to Automation AI > Virtual Assistant > Dialog Tasks.
  2. Click the Create Dialog button to create a new Task.
  3. Select the Start from Scratch option.
  4. Provide below details:

    • Enter IntentName, set as, Open Bank Account
    • Click Proceed to open the dialog builder page.
  5. Retain the Root Intent Node's default settings.

  6. Click the + next to the Root intent node and select the form (OpenNewAccount) that we created earlier from the list. Note that the form name will contain numeric suffix in the form of 001, 002 and so on depending on the number of its instances already added to the VA.

    select created form

  7. You will be prompted to select the Form Experience. XO Platform allows you to gather user input both from the form and through conversation based on the channel.

  8. For this use case, select Only Form UI experience.
  9. A New sequence containing the Form Node would be added, you can customize the form name, etc.
  10. We are changing the Name to OpenAccountForm and Display Name to Form to open account.

Capture Form Node Values

Next, to capture the values returned by the Form Node using a Script node and displaying the same, follow the steps below:

  1. Add a Message Node in the sequence under the form node.
  2. Set the Name to FormDataMessage and Display Name to Form Data Message.
  3. Hover on the Sample Bot Response for All Channels and Edit icon to open the message editor.

    select js

  4. Select the Custom JavaScript option and enter the following code. This code would capture from the context object, the data submitted by the user in the Form and display it accordingly.

    var message;
    message = 'You have opened a '+context.forms.OpenAccount.accounttype+' account in the name of '+context.forms.OpenAccount.accountname;
    if (context.forms.OpenAccount.accounttype == 'Checkings' && context.forms.OpenAccount.cashcard == 'Yes')
    message = message + ' and opted for cash card with withdrawal limit set to '+ context.forms.OpenAccount.withdrawallimit;
    if (context.forms.OpenAccount.accounttype == 'Credit Card')
    message = message + ' and opted for a '+ context.forms.OpenAccount.cardtype+' card';

    select js

Your dialog with form is ready! Test and trigger the above dialog. The form will be displayed, enter the values and click Submit, the message would be displayed.

talk to bot

You can use the context object as shown above it a Script or Service nodes for further processing.

Click here to learn how to add this data to a data table.