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Knowledge Graph Analysis

A careful analysis of the Knowledge Graph helps in detecting errors in your questions and the path associated with them that hamper the user experience.

The Knowledge Graph (KG) Diagnosis tool helps you identify any inefficiencies in your KGs and suggests possible corrective actions. These are just guidelines and you need to further analyze the recommendations before going ahead with any changes.

The KG provides an option to initiate an inspection, as follows:

  • This option is available only for the in-development version of the KG where there are one or more FAQs added.
  • The analysis considers the thresholds and other configurations of the KG.
  • The analysis issues a warning if any node contains more than 25 questions and an advisory to the effect that the training fails if there are more than 100 questions in any node.
  • You can invoke the diagnosis, by clicking Inspect on the KG screen.

KG Inspect

  • You can also add patterns as alternate questions for an FAQ to provide better coverage, which helps in detecting the right FAQs for a user question. KG Inspect helps in identifying any syntax errors that occur knowingly or unknowingly while defining patterns. The platform analyzes the KG and provides a report of the analysis. The identified incorrect patterns in KG are displayed in the report.

  • You have an option to Re-run the analysis or Export the report. The export option downloads the report in JSON format.

re-run analysis

  • The inspect report shows an overview of the number of issues found under various categories. Please read below to learn more.
  • The various categories are grouped as:
    • Error – Errors are incorrect graph definitions that need an immediate fix.
    • Warnings – When rectified, it help improves intent detection. A maximum of 50 warnings are displayed.
    • Suggestions – When implemented, it helps in the better organization of your KG. A maximum of 10 suggestions are displayed.
  • Click each category to view the detailed report

In the example below, the details of all the patterns with invalid syntaxes are shown:

example of patterns with invalid syntaxes


There can be more than 50 warnings or 10 suggestions, but only the first 50/10 occurrences of the issue are listed. You must fix the same and re-run the analysis to view the next set.

Report Fields for Ontology Knowledge Graphs

The following table details the fields that are displayed in the report:

Patterns with Invalid Syntax Error
  • Current Path
  • Pattern
  • Error
  • Question
Rectify the incorrect patterns for better FAQ detection.
Questions added to incorrect paths Error
  • Question
  • Path
Modify the path to include the terms in the question.
Long-chain of terms with the questions present only at the last term in the chain Suggestion
  • Question
  • Path
Reduce the path by avoiding unimportant terms or merge relevant terms.
Identical terms with a common ancestor Suggestion
  • Common Parent
  • Child Paths (only for the largest repeated child trees)
Move the child terms above their parent terms to avoid duplication
Paths without any questions Suggestion
  • Path
Remove the path if you do not intend to add any questions to this path
Redundant alternate questions Suggestion
  • Question
  • Alternate Question (multiple)
  • Path
Rephrase alternate questions to include wider coverage
A large number of questions added to the root term Suggestion
  • Question
  • Path
Move the questions to the appropriate paths
Unusually long paths Warning
  • Path
Reduce the path by avoiding unnecessary terms or merging relevant terms.
Questions at the root node that can be moved to better paths Warning
  • Question
  • Current Path
  • Suggested Path
Move the question to the suggested path
Questions with common words that are not used as terms Warning
  • Question (multiple)
  • Path
  • Suggested Extension
Extend the current path using the suggested extension
Questions that match multiple paths Warning
  • Question
  • Current path
  • Other Paths (multiple)
Review the paths to avoid possible ambiguity scenarios
Identical sibling nodes Warning
  • Path
  • Identical Term
Merge the identical terms

Report Fields for Few-Shot Knowledge Graphs

For Few-Shot Knowledge Graphs, nothing regarding paths and keywords requires analysis; since these are not used by the model to detect intent. The only report fields you will see when inspecting such a graph are the following:

Patterns with Invalid Syntax Error
  • Current Path
  • Pattern
  • Error
  • Question
Rectify the incorrect patterns for better FAQ detection.
Paths without any questions Suggestion
  • Path
Remove the path if you do not intend to add any questions to this path.
Redundant alternate questions Suggestion
  • Question
  • Alternate Question (multiple)
  • Path
Rephrase alternate questions to include wider coverage.


Every time a KG is inspected, the following details get updated in a scenario where any FAQs are modified or any new FAQs are added:

  • Total checks
  • Count of errors, warnings, suggestions
  • Count and the list of various checkpoints.