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Queue Size

To get the queueDetails by giving queueId and filters with the given stream Id.

Method POST
Endpoint https://{host}/agentassist/api/v1/public/{{:streamId}}/monitor/queueStatsById/{{:queueId}}
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}
See How to generate the JWT Token
API Scope SmartAssist Analytics

Query Parameters

Host The Environment URL. For example, string, required
queueId You can get the queueId in the /queues GET API. string, required
BotId BotId or StreamId. You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot. string, required

Sample Request

curl --location 'https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/v1/public/st-3bf09bef-f979-5489-b337-f465bd5xxxx/monitor/queueStatsById/qu-895dc0c-a83e-4d25-9517-dbb2ccdaxxxx/' \
--header 'auth: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBJZCI6ImNzLTNmYzQwYTcyLThiNGUtNWNlMy1iY2E3LThjYTcwZTQxYTQwZCJ9.ssiizteAJB0pdV2BYhILSRp12TAJ2V4cHWzpjp3SU8I' \
--header 'accountId: 637368b4a1d031234ba6xxxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"languages": ["en", "es"],
"channels": ["rtm", "msteams"]

Request Parameters

Channels To filter the results based on the channel. Only Contact Center AI supported channels can be given and should be selected from the following:
["rtm", "ivr", "sms", "slack", "facebook", "kore", "spark", "skype", "msteams", "twitter", "telegram", "wfacebook", "ringcentral", "skypeforbusiness", "jabber", "yammer", "whatsapp", "line", "liveperson", "mattermost", "wechat", "web-sdk", "rcs", "skypeonprem", "unblu", "audiocodes", "alexa", "twiliovoice", "ivrVoice", "korevg", "email", "emailConnect"]
"rtm" : Web/Mobile Client channel
"ivr" : agent ai channel
optional array of strings
Languages To filter the results based on the bot language, that is, interaction language with the bot. Only Contact Center AI supported languages can be selected and should be selected from the following:
["en", "de", "es", "fr", "pt", "it", "zh_cn", "zh_tw", "id", "ko", "nl", "ja", "ar", "fi", "ru", 'pl", "uk", "sv", "kk", "nb", "hi", "te", "ta", "mr", "ca", "sl", "ge" ] Here "en" : English "de" : German "es" : spanish "fr" : french "pt" : Portuguese "it" : Indonesian "zh_cn" : Chinese "zh_tw" : "id" : Indonesian "ko" : Korean "nl" : Dutch "ja" : Japanese "ar" : Arabic "fi" : Finnish "ru" : Russian "pl" : Polish "uk" : Ukrainian "sv" : Swedish "kk" : Kazakh "nb" : Norwegian "hi" : Hindi "te" : Telugu "ta" : Tamil "mr" : Marathi "ca" : Catalan "sl" : Slovenian "ge" : Georgia
0ptional array of strings

Sample Response

        "queueId": "qu-aa16c29-08b2-4948-aa00-a6a3547exxxx",
        "queueName": "Default Queue",
        "skills": [],
        "waiting": 0,
        "engaged": 0,
        "dropOff": 44,
        "agentStatus": {
            "available": 1,
            "offline": 0,
            "busy": 0,
            "away": 0
        "noOfAgents": 1,
        "queueSummary": {
            "avgWait": 0,
            "maxWait": 0,
            "ASA": 0  // ASA - Average Speed to Answer