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Get a specific Conversation

Get a particular conversation by providing the Conversation Id.

Method GET
Endpoint https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/v1/public/{{streamId}}/conversations/{{conversation-id}}
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}
See How to generate the JWT Token
API Scope SmartAssist Analytics

Path Parameters

host The Environment URL. For example, string, required
streamId Bot ID or Stream ID. You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot. string, required

Sample Request

curl --location 'https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/v1/public/{{streamId}}/conversations/{{conversationId}}' \
--header 'auth: {{YOUR_JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN}}' \
--header 'accountId: {{YOUR_accountId}}'

Query Parameters

conversationId A specific conversationId. This will fetch the records from that conversation. In case only the specific conversation is required, set the limit to 1. This field cannot be used in combination with dateFrom and dateTo. string, required

Sample Response

    "participants": [
            "queueId": "qu-241a4d7-e5d0-45a9-8032-82384505xxxx",
            "queueStartTime": "2023-05-22T04:55:05.350Z",
            "queueName": "Default Queue",
            "agentId": "u-b19cd89e-6533-59af-b491-eec9bf8fxxxx",
            "name": "John Doe",
            "status": "INACTIVE",
            "assignedAt": "2023-05-22T04:55:05.452Z",
            "startTimeStamp": "2023-05-22T04:55:07.718Z",
            "endTimeStamp": "2023-05-22T05:29:14.043Z",
            "isTransferred": false,
            "onInterrupt": true
    "transferDetails": [
            "fromQueue": "qu-241a4d7-e5d0-45a9-8032-82384505xxxx",
            "fromAgent": "u-b19cd89e-6533-59af-b491-eec9bf8fxxxx",
            "transferredType": "QUEUE",
            "transferredTo": [
                    "id": "qu-241a4d7-e5d0-45a9-8032-82384505xxxx",
                    "name": "Default Queue",
                    "type": "QUEUE"
            "transferredBy": "u-b19cd89e-6533-59af-b491-eec9bf8fxxxx",
            "priority": "HIGHEST",
            "transferredAt": "2023-05-22T05:29:14.007Z",
            "isManager": false
    "waitTime": 3369,
    "isProactiveAgentAssistEnabled": true,
    "status": "CLOSED",
    "callbackOpted": false,
    "contactFlow": [],
    "surveyRequired": "YES",
    "isDeveloper": false,
    "_id": "c-3c04346-e522-4c53-9e03-c9566d85xxxx",
    "orgId": "o-ca23f4c5-cc3e-586d-90e6-8375bf2dxxxx",
    "userId": "u-aa15c0f4-7f78-5912-8713-f5cd1c3exxxx",
    "accountId": "637368b4a1d039e34ba6xxxx",
    "botId": "st-3bf09bef-f979-5489-b337-f465bd5dxxxx",
    "source": "rtm",
    "botSessionId": "646af57bcc41e5bfbd5exxxx",
    "language": "en",
    "keyIntentName": "TalkToAgent",
    "keyIntentUserInput": "I want to talk to an agent",
    "agentDesktopMeta": {
        "pagesVisited": [
                "page": " Web Client",
                "timestamp": "2023-05-18T03:36:25.601Z",
                "timespent": 350312.351
    "conversationType": "messaging",
    "priority": 5,
    "queues": [
            "type": "ASSIGNED",
            "status": "INACTIVE",
            "isPreferredAgentTimeoutExpired": true,
            "id": "qu-241a4d7-e5d0-45a9-8032-82384505xxxx",
            "name": "Default Queue",
            "startTime": "2023-05-22T04:55:05.350Z"
            "type": "TRANSFERRED",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "isPreferredAgentTimeoutExpired": true,
            "id": "qu-241a4d7-e5d0-45a9-8032-82384505xxxx",
            "startTime": "2023-05-22T05:29:14.007Z",
            "name": "Default Queue"
    "startTime": "2023-05-22T04:55:05.351Z",
    "endTime": "2023-05-22T05:29:14.086Z",
    "formData": [],
    "timestampValue": 1684731305351,
    "createdAt": "2023-05-22T04:55:05.354Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-05-22T05:29:24.067Z",
    "__v": 0,
    "skills": [],
    "acceptedAt": "2023-05-22T04:55:07.718Z",
    "notes": [],
    "dispositions": {
        "metaStatus": "SYSTEM_DROP_OFF",
        "status": "DROP-OFF",
        "remarks": "I'm sorry. It seems like there are no agents that can help you at this time. Please reach out us a bit later.",
        "dispositionSets": null
    "userInfo": {
        "workinghours": {
            "workdays": "mon,tue,wed,thu,fri",
            "workstart": "8:00 AM",
            "workend": "5:00 PM"
        "profImage": "no-avatar",
        "jTitle": "",
        "dept": "",
        "profColour": "#ff4500",
        "activationStatus": "active",
        "firstName": "",
        "lastName": "",
        "orgId": "o-e31a1a45-c24a-5074-b4b7-d44396e6xxxx",
        "_id": "u-aa15c0f4-7f78-5912-8713-f5cd1c3exxxx",
        "identities": [
                "val": "cs-b6296994-21c9-5108-9dee-1ab3dbbdxxxx/dc5680b0-a4a4-4ed1-afe7-fa77bda4f1586736bed4-850f-41cf-8baf-2eb88574xxxx",
                "type": "mapped"
        "agentTransferConfig": {
            "skillsIds": [],
            "overrideAgents": false,
            "overrideValues": [],
            "assistEvents": {
                "startEvent": {
                    "isEnabled": true,
                    "botId": "st-ba0fcf10-b687-53b0-ad16-16cbacf2xxxx",
                    "dialogId": "dg-dea45cdd-c731-522e-a1dd-f5d5aaccxxxx",
                    "dialogRefId": "6f3688aa-f41b-5d6e-8444-e27c6c22xxxx"
            "automationBotId": "st-ba0fcf10-b687-53b0-ad16-16cbacf2xxxx",
            "lastIntentName": "TalkToAgent",
            "lastIntentuserInput": "I want to talk to an agent",
            "dialog_tone": []
        "city": "Raha Gaon",
        "country": "India",
        "isp": "Bharti Airtel Ltd. AS for GPRS Service",
        "ipAddress": "",
        "queue": "qu-241a4d7-e5d0-45a9-8032-82384505xxxx",
        "hostDomain": "",
        "os": "Windows",
        "device": "NA"

Response Body Parameters

transferDetails Transfer details of the conversation. array
waitTime The wait time for the conversation in milliseconds. integer
isProactiveAgentAssistEnabled Whether proactive AgentAssist is enabled for the conversation. boolean
callbackOpted Whether callback is opted for the conversation. boolean
contactFlow Contact flow information for the conversation. array
surveyRequired Whether a survey is required for the conversation. boolean
isDeveloper Whether the user is a developer. boolean
id The conversation Id. integer
userId The ID of the user associated with the conversation. string
source The source of the conversation. string
botSessionId The ID of the bot session associated with the conversation. string
keyIntentName The key intent for the conversation. string
keyIntentUserInput The user input associated with the key intent for the conversation. string
agentDesktopMeta Additional metadata related to the agent desktop. object
conversationType The type of conversation (for example, messaging). string
priority The priority level of the conversation. string
queues Queue details for the conversation. array
startTime The start time of the conversation. string
endTime The end time of the conversation. string
formData Form data associated with the conversation. array
timestampValue The timestamp value of the conversation. integer
createdAt The creation time of the conversation. string
updatedAt Last updated time of the conversation. string
skills The skills associated with the conversation. array
acceptedAt The time when the conversation was accepted. string
notes Notes associated with the conversation. array
dispositions Disposition details for the conversation. object
userInfo User information associated with the conversation. object