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Get a Specific Agent

To retrieve the details of a particular agent with the given stream Id and agent Id.

Method GET
Endpoint https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/v1/public/{{streamId}}/agents/{{agentId}}
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}
See How to generate the JWT Token
API Scope SmartAssist Analytics

Path Parameters

host Environment URL, for example, string, required
StreamId BotId or StreamId. You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot. string, required

Sample Request

curl --location --request GET 'https://{{host}}/agentassist/api/v1/public/{{streamId}}/agents/{{agentId}}' \
      --header 'auth: {jwt-code}' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

Query Parameter

agentId The Agent Id of the particular agent whose details are being retrieved. You can get this from agents GET API. string, required

Sample Response

    "isAccountOwner": false,
    "attachmentsEnabled": true,
    "emojisEnabled": true,
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "firstName": "agent",
    "lastName": "1",
    "phoneNumber": "1234567890",
    "emailId": "",
    "customId": "",
    "profImage": "no-avatar",
    "canSupportChat": true,
    "maxChatSupport": 5,
    "roleId": "6457f21044e2ab580af1e011",
    "chatLanguageSupport": [
            "isActive": true,
            "language": "en",
            "proficiency": "expert"
    "canSupportVoice": false,
    "voiceLanguageSupport": [
            "isActive": false,
            "language": "en",
            "proficiency": "expert"
    "desktopLayouts": [
            "isDefault": true,
            "id": "ly-a3b06d5-9c8c-476a-917b-0ab45d817021"
    "fullName": "agent 1",
    "lFullName": "agent 1",
    "userId": "u-edc0304d-05b5-5350-98da-c9748edaxxxx",
    "accountId": "6457f21044e2ab580af1xxxx",
    "createdBy": "u-042a7093-8178-547a-ab50-364a239bxxxx",
    "orgId": "o-0a4dcb56-5d8e-5bfa-86fc-1294e829xxxx",
    "agentGroups": [
            "groupId": "ag-aa690c9-1a2b-4926-aa7e-2511e5e4xxxx",
            "role": "agent",
            "name": "grp2"
    "lastOnlineAt": "2023-05-19T09:01:26.268Z",
    "createdAt": "2023-05-15T10:38:26.718Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-05-23T10:20:19.178Z",
    "onlineStatus": "Offline",
    "onlineStatusType": "OFFLINE",
    "id": "a-953e380-2bc1-483a-a823-d9446806xxxx",
    "nickName": "1",
    "role": "Supervisor",
    "skills": [],
    "queues": [
            "id": "qu-d1c05a4-99e5-4688-9156-897c959dxxxx",
            "name": "queueuueue",
            "description": "quieuueue",
            "isPreferredAgent": true

Response Body Parameters

isAccountOwner Indicates whether the user is the account owner. boolean
attachmentsEnabled Indicates whether attachments are enabled for the agent. boolean
emojisEnabled Indicates whether emojis are enabled for the agent. boolean
status The status of the agent. string
firstName The first name of the agent. string
lastName The last name of the agent. string
phoneNumber The phone number of the agent. string
emailId The email ID of the agent. string
customId The custom ID associated with the agent. string
profImage The profile image of the agent. string
canSupportChat Indicates whether the agent can support chat. boolean
maxChatSupport The maximum number of chat sessions the agent can support. integer
roleId The ID of the role assigned to the agent. string
chatLanguageSupport The chat languages supported by the agent. array
canSupportVoice Indicates whether the agent can support voice calls. boolean
voiceLanguageSupport The voice languages supported by the agent. array
desktopLayouts The desktop layout details of the agent. array
fullName The full name of the agent. string
lFullName The localized full name of the agent. string
userId The user ID of the agent. string
accountId The ID of the account associated with the agent. string
createdBy The ID of the user who created the agent. string
orgId The ID of the organization associated with the agent. string
agentGroups The agent group details associated with the agent. array
lastOnlineAt The timestamp when the agent was last online. string
createdAt The creation time of the interaction. string
updatedAt The last updated time of the interaction. string
onlineStatus The online status of the agent. string
onlineStatusType The online status type of the agent. string
id The ID of the agent. string
nickName The nick name of the agent. string
role The role of the agent. string
skills The skills assigned to the agent. array
queues The queues assigned to the agent. array