Fetch Voicemail Recording¶
This API facilitates the downloading of voicemail recordings. The API provides an S3-hosted URL where the voicemail recording can be accessed.
Method | GET |
Endpoint | https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/{{:streamId}}/voicemail |
Content Type | application/json |
Authorization | auth: {{JWT}} See How to generate the JWT Token |
API Scope | SmartAssist Voicemail |
Path Parameters¶
host | Environment URL, for example, https://platform.kore.ai |
string, required |
BotId | BotId or StreamId. You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot. | string, required |
Query Parameters¶
sessionId | The unique identifier for the session record. You can access it from the conversation logs. | string, required |
transcription | Controls whether the API returns text transcriptions of the voicemail messages. When set to true , the response includes machine-generated transcripts for each voicemail. |
boolean, required |
Sample Request¶
curl --location 'https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/st-b110e148-7428-5295-960b-099e8167xxxx/voicemail?sessionId=67aa38026e199c8f470exxxx&transcription=true' \
--header 'auth: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBJZCI6ImNzLTQ0YTIzOTNmLTk4MTEtNWY3Mi04NGUyLTM0YTY4MzI4N2I1ZCJ9.kW9tN1gTUW7QjFrHvwBp-EcRu8QhBK223Xi2NgZxxxx' \
--data ''
Sample Response¶
"status": "success",
"voicemail recording": [
"fileName": "voicemail_67aa38026e199c8f470exxxx.wav",
"fileUrl": "https://uat-agentassist-az.korebots.com/api/getMediaStream/smartassistrecording/UAT/o-2b41857b-a1cb-5862-8faf-e3d99c3axxxx/st-b110e148-7428-5295-960b-099e8167xxxx/2025/10-02-2025/f-71f45a0e-da5a-5989-8a73-341a199bxxxx.wav?e=1739359482&n=3757551799&s=IldYeks0dFNacGtWbjJicGpNNU5KL0ZNUWtWZVhUQm9yelFMeVk2SDdkcWM9xxxx"
"transcriptions": [
"_id": "ms-dbd18b09-a8d5-54f3-a936-f694d6adxxxx",
"botId": "st-6cbdca58-bf5e-5d9b-bc21-cb37bef2xxxx",
"type": "incoming",
"status": "received",
"channels": [
"handle": {
"userId": "u-353e231f-f6d7-5de2-bd88-5323235fxxxx",
"taskBotId": "st-6cbdca58-bf5e-5d9b-bc21-cb37bef2xxxx"
"from": "u-353e231f-f6d7-5de2-bd88-5323235fxxxx",
"botInfo": {
"chatBot": "SmartAssist",
"taskBotId": "st-6cbdca58-bf5e-5d9b-bc21-cb37bef2xxxx"
"type": "korevg",
"cc": [
"bcc": [
"components": [
"_id": "cp-73136603-181e-587a-a9b8-99a65595xxxx",
"cT": "text",
"data": {
"text": "Hi, this is voicemail testing."
"thumbnails": []
"createdBy": "u-353e231f-f6d7-5de2-bd88-5323235fxxxx",
"createdOn": "2025-02-11T13:57:42.032Z",
"lmodifiedBy": "u-353e231f-f6d7-5de2-bd88-5323235fxxxx",
"lmodifiedOn": "2025-02-11T13:57:42.032Z",
"sessionId": "67ab573f3685d1ba9954xxxx",
"isBB": 0,
"isD": 0,
"ms": 1,
"chnl": "korevg",
"lang": "en",
"sT": 1,
"author": {
"id": "u-353e231f-f6d7-5de2-bd88-5323235fxxxx",
"type": "VOICEMAIL"
"__lModifiedOn__": "2025-02-11T13:57:42.000Z",
"timestampValue": 1739282262039,
"__v": 0,
"resourceid": "messagestore"
Response Body Parameters¶
status | The status of the API request. For example, "success". | string |
voicemail_recording | An array of voicemail recording objects. | array |
voicemail_recording[].fileName | The name of the voicemail audio file. | string |
voicemail_recording[].fileUrl | The URL to stream/download the voicemail recording. | string |
transcriptions | An array of transcription objects for the voicemail messages. | array |
transcriptions[]._id | Unique identifier for the transcription. | string |
transcriptions[].botId | Identifier of the bot that processed the voicemail. | string |
transcriptions[].type | Type of message. For example, "incoming". | string |
transcriptions[].status | Status of the transcription. For example, "received". | string |
transcriptions[].channels | Array of channel information objects. | array |
transcriptions[].components | Array of message component objects. | array |
transcriptions[].components[].cT | Component type. For example, "text". | string |
transcriptions[].components[].data.text | The transcribed text of the voicemail. | string |
transcriptions[].createdOn | The timestamp of when the transcription was created. | string |
transcriptions[].lmodifiedOn | The timestamp of when the transcription was last modified. | string |
transcriptions[].sessionId | Unique session identifier. | string |
transcriptions[].lang | Language code of the transcription. Example: "en". | string |
transcriptions[].author | Information about the voicemail author. | object |
transcriptions[].author.id | Unique identifier of the author. | string |
transcriptions[].author.type | Type of the author. For example, "VOICEMAIL". | string |