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Fetch Voicemail Recording

This API facilitates the downloading of voicemail recordings. The API provides an S3-hosted URL where the voicemail recording can be accessed.

Method GET
Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/{{:streamId}}/voicemail
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}
See How to generate the JWT Token
API Scope SmartAssist Voicemail

Path Parameters

host Environment URL, for example, string, required
BotId BotId or StreamId. You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot. string, required

Query Parameters

sessionId The unique identifier for the session record. You can access it from the conversation logs. string, required
transcription Controls whether the API returns text transcriptions of the voicemail messages. When set to true, the response includes machine-generated transcripts for each voicemail. boolean, required

Sample Request

curl --location 'https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/st-b110e148-7428-5295-960b-099e8167xxxx/voicemail?sessionId=67aa38026e199c8f470exxxx&transcription=true' \
--header 'auth: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBJZCI6ImNzLTQ0YTIzOTNmLTk4MTEtNWY3Mi04NGUyLTM0YTY4MzI4N2I1ZCJ9.kW9tN1gTUW7QjFrHvwBp-EcRu8QhBK223Xi2NgZxxxx' \
--data ''

Sample Response

   "status": "success",
   "voicemail recording": [
           "fileName": "voicemail_67aa38026e199c8f470exxxx.wav",
           "fileUrl": ""
   "transcriptions": [
           "_id": "ms-dbd18b09-a8d5-54f3-a936-f694d6adxxxx",
               "botId": "st-6cbdca58-bf5e-5d9b-bc21-cb37bef2xxxx",
               "type": "incoming",
               "status": "received",
               "channels": [
                       "handle": {
                           "userId": "u-353e231f-f6d7-5de2-bd88-5323235fxxxx",
                           "taskBotId": "st-6cbdca58-bf5e-5d9b-bc21-cb37bef2xxxx"
                       "from": "u-353e231f-f6d7-5de2-bd88-5323235fxxxx",
                       "botInfo": {
                           "chatBot": "SmartAssist",
                           "taskBotId": "st-6cbdca58-bf5e-5d9b-bc21-cb37bef2xxxx"
                       "type": "korevg",
                       "cc": [
                       "bcc": [
               "components": [
                       "_id": "cp-73136603-181e-587a-a9b8-99a65595xxxx",
                       "cT": "text",
                       "data": {
                           "text": "Hi, this is voicemail testing."
                       "thumbnails": []
               "createdBy": "u-353e231f-f6d7-5de2-bd88-5323235fxxxx",
               "createdOn": "2025-02-11T13:57:42.032Z",
               "lmodifiedBy": "u-353e231f-f6d7-5de2-bd88-5323235fxxxx",
               "lmodifiedOn": "2025-02-11T13:57:42.032Z",
               "sessionId": "67ab573f3685d1ba9954xxxx",
               "isBB": 0,
               "isD": 0,
               "ms": 1,
               "chnl": "korevg",
               "lang": "en",
               "sT": 1,
               "author": {
                   "id": "u-353e231f-f6d7-5de2-bd88-5323235fxxxx",
                   "type": "VOICEMAIL"
               "__lModifiedOn__": "2025-02-11T13:57:42.000Z",
               "timestampValue": 1739282262039,
               "__v": 0,
               "resourceid": "messagestore"

Response Body Parameters

status The status of the API request. For example, "success". string
voicemail_recording An array of voicemail recording objects. array
voicemail_recording[].fileName The name of the voicemail audio file. string
voicemail_recording[].fileUrl The URL to stream/download the voicemail recording. string
transcriptions An array of transcription objects for the voicemail messages. array
transcriptions[]._id Unique identifier for the transcription. string
transcriptions[].botId Identifier of the bot that processed the voicemail. string
transcriptions[].type Type of message. For example, "incoming". string
transcriptions[].status Status of the transcription. For example, "received". string
transcriptions[].channels Array of channel information objects. array
transcriptions[].components Array of message component objects. array
transcriptions[].components[].cT Component type. For example, "text". string
transcriptions[].components[].data.text The transcribed text of the voicemail. string
transcriptions[].createdOn The timestamp of when the transcription was created. string
transcriptions[].lmodifiedOn The timestamp of when the transcription was last modified. string
transcriptions[].sessionId Unique session identifier. string
transcriptions[].lang Language code of the transcription. Example: "en". string
transcriptions[].author Information about the voicemail author. object
transcriptions[] Unique identifier of the author. string
transcriptions[].author.type Type of the author. For example, "VOICEMAIL". string