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Update User API

To update the user details.


This API requires JWT generated by an application created only from the Bot Admin Console. This feature was introduced in ver7.1 of the platform.

Method PUT
Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/public/users
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}

See How to generate the JWT Token.

API Scope
  • Bot Builder: Not Applicable
  • Admin Console: User Management > User Management

Path Parameters

host Environment URL, for example,

Sample Request

curl -X PUT 'https://{{host}}/api/public/users' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "users": [
            "userInfo": {
                "emailId": "" // or "orgUserId": <orgUserId>,
                "firstName": "user1",
            "groups": {
                "addTo": [
            "roles": {
                "addTo": [
                        "roleId": "5d9d8db3x0d54920a8df1e68b",
                        "botId": "st-b8525f88-6dd3-54a7-8a97-734ecb748733"
                "removeFrom": [
                        "roleId": "5d9d920dabdc1e6e8ec99342",
                        "botId": "st-16511425-15c5-5cdf-b652-a796db7d134b"
            "assignBotTasks": [
                  "botId": "st-xxx-xx-xxx-xxx-xxxx",
                  "dialogs": ["dg-xxxx-xx-xx-xx-xxxx"]
            "canCreateBot": true,
            "isDeveloper": true

Body Parameters

users Required The array of details for each user that need to be updated.

or userInfo.orgUserId

Required Email Ids or the org user id of the user being updated
userInfo.firstName Optional First name of the user if needs to be updated
userInfo.lastName Optional Last name of the user if needs to be updated
userInfo.companyName Optional Company to which the user if needs to be updated
userInfo.dept Optional Department to which the user if needs to be updated
userInfo.companyContactPhone Optional Contact Phone of the Company to which the user belongs if needs to be updated
userInfo.worknumber Optional Work number of the user if needs to be updated
userInfo.street Optional Street Address of the user if needs to be updated
userInfo.suiteNo Optional Suite No Address of the user if needs to be updated Optional City Address of the user if needs to be updated Optional Zip Address of the user if needs to be updated
userInfo.state Optional State Address of the user if needs to be updated Optional Country Address of the user if needs to be updated
groups Optional array of group ids to which the user needs to be addTo or removeFrom
roles Optional array of roleId-botId combinations to which the user needs to be addTo or removeFrom
assignBotTasks Optional array of bots that have to be assigned to the user. If not present, the current assignment will be retained.
botId Id of the Bot to be assigned to the user. If not given, all the previous assigned bots will be unassigned. That is, an entry for “assignBotTasks” without “botId” entry can be used to unassign the Bot tasks to the user.
dialogs Array of dialog task ids within the bot that need to be assigned to the user. If not given, all the dialog tasks are assigned
canCreateBot Optional Determines if the specified users can create bots in their Bot Builder accounts. Set to true or false. Default value is _“true”._
isDeveloper Optional Determines if the specified users can have access to Bot Builder. Set to true or false. Default value is _“true”._

Sample Response

For success case:

        "msg": "Users are updated Successfully"