Find Intent API¶
To fetch the intent recognition result and the scores from NLP and ML engines.
Method | POST |
Endpoint | https://{{host}}/api/v1.1/rest/bot/{{BotID}}/findIntent?fetchConfiguredTasks=false
Content Type | application/json
Authorization | auth: {{JWT}}
API Scope |
Path Parameters¶
host | Required | Environment URL, for example, |
BotID | Required | Bot ID or Stream ID. You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot. |
fetchConfiguredTasks | Required | true if you want to fetch the intents from configured tasks in the bot and false if you want to fetch only for the published tasks |
Bot Language¶
Optionally, if multi-language is enabled for the Bot, you need to pass the bot-language header with the language code such as en, zh_cn etc. If the language code is not passed for a multi-lingual Bot, then the default language of the Bot will be considered.
Sample Request¶
curl -X POST \
'https://{{host}}/api/v1.1/rest/bot/{{BotID}}/findIntent?fetchConfiguredTasks=false' \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "bot-language:{{lang-code}}" \
-d '{
"parentIntent": "{{parent intent}}",
"input": "{{user utterance}}",
"streamName": "{{bot name}}"
Body Parameters¶
parentIntent | Optional | To detect a sub-intent in the context of another intent |
input | Required | The user utterance to find the matching intents
Example: Create a task |
streamName | Required | The name of the bot
Example: JIRA Bot |
bot-language | Optional | The bot language, for example, “en” for English and “de” for German. |
Sample Response¶
"request": {
"input": "book a ticket",
"streamName": "Public APIs"
"response": {
"usedtime": 313,
"debugTitle": "Intent Match Successful: 'Book a ticket'",
"result": "successintent",
"messageStoreId": "xxx",
"bot": "Public APIs",
"botid": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb",
"task": "Book a ticket",
"taskId": "dg-18219164-c11c-5605-9c29-d2e632ec3646",
"intentStatus": "published",
"subType": "dialog",
"input": [
"book a ticket"
"identifiedVia": "cs em",
"language": "en",
"userId": "u-5dad2ccd-b271-5c00-a338-2e6e25e1ec91",
"time": "2019-06-27T11:48:28.250Z",
"_id": "f-19f149a6-25e3-5c85-8793-679bfd26acf5",
"traits": {},
"toneAnalysis": {},
"nlProcessing": {
"originalInput": "book a ticket",
"canonical": "book a ticket",
"wordAnalysis": [
"word": "book",
"ignored": false,
"pos": "Verb_infinitive ",
"role": "MAINVERB ",
"original": "book",
"processedWord": "book"
"word": "a",
"ignored": true,
"pos": "Determiner ",
"original": "a",
"processedWord": "a"
"word": "ticket",
"ignored": false,
"pos": "Noun_singular ",
"role": "MAINOBJECT ",
"original": "ticket",
"processedWord": "ticket"
"ml": {
"namedEntityRecognition": []
"fm": {
"definitive": [
"count": 2,
"score": 11643.33,
"botid": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb",
"botname": "Public APIs",
"activity": "Book a ticket",
"activityType": 1,
"exactcount": 2,
"labelsize": 2,
"ignorewords": 1,
"mask": 66306,
"words": {
"book": [
"ticket": [
"priority": 2,
"tense": 8192,
"mainRoles": 10,
"sentencelength": 3,
"ignorewordlist": {
"a": 1
"maskEntity": 66306,
"firstwordmatch": "book",
"details": {
"0": {
"1": {
"labelword": "book",
"inputwords": {
"1": "book"
"wordindex": [
"foundexact": true,
"bestwordindex": 1,
"role": 2,
"pos": 2200096997376,
"tense": 8192,
"ageLevel": 1,
"commonness": 6
"2": {
"labelword": "ticket",
"inputwords": {
"3": "ticket"
"wordindex": [
"foundexact": true,
"bestwordindex": 3,
"role": 8,
"pos": 2147483680,
"tense": 8192,
"ageLevel": 1,
"commonness": 5
"hasNoun": true,
"hasVerb": true,
"ageLevel": 1,
"foundFmEngine": true,
"scoreBreakdown": {
"wordMatch": 500,
"exactWords": 60,
"coverage": 2000,
"sentenceBonus": 4000,
"positionBonus": 733.33,
"orderBonus": 100,
"spreadBonus": 800,
"roleBonus": 2900,
"faqQuestionBonus": 0,
"mlMatchBonus": 0,
"tasktypeBonus": 50,
"matchBonus": 500,
"phraseJoinPenalty": 0
"matchType": "definite",
"task": "Book a ticket",
"state": "published",
"foundVia": "wordMatch"
"finalResolver": {
"ranking": [
"taskId": "dg-18219164-c11c-5605-9c29-d2e632ec3646",
"intent": "Book a ticket",
"activityType": "dialog",
"state": "published",
"totalScore": 11643.33,
"scoring": {
"count": 2,
"score": 11643.33,
"botid": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb",
"botname": "Public APIs",
"activity": "Book a ticket",
"activityType": 1,
"exactcount": 2,
"labelsize": 2,
"ignorewords": 1,
"mask": 66306,
"words": {
"book": [
"ticket": [
"priority": 10,
"tense": 8192,
"mainRoles": 10,
"sentencelength": 3,
"ignorewordlist": {
"a": 1
"maskEntity": 66306,
"firstwordmatch": "book",
"details": {
"0": {
"1": {
"labelword": "book",
"inputwords": {
"1": "book"
"wordindex": [
"foundexact": true,
"bestwordindex": 1,
"role": 2,
"pos": 2200096997376,
"tense": 8192,
"ageLevel": 1,
"commonness": 6
"2": {
"labelword": "ticket",
"inputwords": {
"3": "ticket"
"wordindex": [
"foundexact": true,
"bestwordindex": 3,
"role": 8,
"pos": 2147483680,
"tense": 8192,
"ageLevel": 1,
"commonness": 5
"hasNoun": true,
"hasVerb": true,
"ageLevel": 1,
"foundFmEngine": true,
"scoreBreakdown": {
"wordMatch": 500,
"exactWords": 60,
"coverage": 2000,
"sentenceBonus": 4000,
"positionBonus": 733.33,
"orderBonus": 100,
"spreadBonus": 800,
"roleBonus": 2900,
"faqQuestionBonus": 0,
"mlMatchBonus": 0,
"tasktypeBonus": 50,
"matchBonus": 500,
"phraseJoinPenalty": 0
"matchType": "definite",
"csMatch": true
"identifyingEngines": {
"fm": true
"csMatch": true,
"intentMatchVia": "wordMatch"
"userInput": "book a ticket",
"winningIntent": [
"intent": "Book a ticket",
"taskId": "dg-18219164-c11c-5605-9c29-d2e632ec3646",
"activityType": "dialog",
"state": "published",
"score": 11643.33
"entities": []
"streamId": "st-6ecb5ba2-5e31-5a40-b918-8cbee40f3fdb",
"streamName": "Public APIs",
"seqLogId": "f-19f149a6-25e3-5c85-8793-679bfd26acf5",
"_id": "f-19f149a6-25e3-5c85-8793-679bfd26acf5",
"name": "Public APIs",
"input": [
"book a ticket"