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Conversation Details and Summary API

To fetch the conversation details and conversation summary between the bot and the user or the user and the agent. This API supports pagination. You can specify skip and limit parameters to retrieve a certain number of messages at a time.

Method POST
Endpoint https://{{host}}/api/public/bot/{{botId}}/conversationDetails
Content Type application/json
Authorization auth: {{JWT}}
API Scope Bot Builder: Chat History

Path Parameters

host Required Environment URL, for example,
botId Required Bot ID or Stream ID. You can access it from the General Settings page of the bot.

Sample Request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'auth: {{YOUR_JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{

Request Body Parameters

skip/offset Optional The number of messages to be skipped.
limit Optional The number of messages to be shown on each page.
sessionId/callId Required A unique “sessionId” or “callId” of the bot for which you want to fetch the details. Use “sessionId” or “callId” to get the conversation details between the user and the bot.
conversationId Required A unique identifier for the conversation you want to fetch the details. Use “conversationId” to get the conversation details between the user and the agent. Note: Use either “sessionId” or “conversationId.” If you use both the parameters, “sessionId” is considered.
lang optional The language in which the conversation summary should be returned.
isSummaryRequired Optional Whether to provide an auto-generated summary of the conversation. Possible values are:
  • true: Include the summary in the response.
  • false: Don’t include the summary in the response. This is the default value.


If the session ID is available, the call ID is not mandatory & vice versa. If both are present, the session ID is considered.

Sample Response

   "conversationInfo": {
       "userId": "u-c8c61885-85bb-5db2-bf8e-6fd4a97c58f9",
       "callId": "9eb6c49e-f647-4c48-b31c-cc207e3a6080",
       "sessionStartTime": "2023-08-07T11:18:10.195Z",
       "agentHandOffTime": "2023-08-07T11:18:11.304Z",
       "userDetails": {
           "firstName": "",
           "lastName": "",
           "phoneNumber": null
       "currentTask": "null",
       "sessionId": "64d0d2f2bfeaa2d58a566d08"
   "conversationFlow": [
           "status": "completedTask",
           "messageStoreId": "xxx",
           "taskName": "ConnectToAgent"
   "conversationHistory": [
           "channels": [
                   "type": "audiocodes"
           "type": "outgoing",
           "status": "pending",
           "createdOn": "2023-08-07T11:18:10.337Z",
           "lmodifiedOn": "2023-08-07T11:18:10.337Z",
           "createdBy": "u-c8c61885-85bb-5db2-bf8e-6fd4a97c58f9",
           "components": [
                   "_id": "cp-faacd4b7-7fb5-57f1-aef8-455734582c33",
                   "cT": "text",
                   "data": {
                       "text": "Agent transfer initiated"
                   "thumbnails": []
           "isBB": 0,
           "lang": "en",
           "iv": "e2DtaGM52TC9k+Q7EQpUig==",
           "ire": true,
           "timestampValue": 1691407090369,
           "sT": 0
           "channels": [
                   "type": "audiocodes"
           "type": "outgoing",
           "status": "pending",
           "createdOn": "2023-08-07T11:18:10.761Z",
           "lmodifiedOn": "2023-08-07T11:18:10.761Z",
           "createdBy": "u-c8c61885-85bb-5db2-bf8e-6fd4a97c58f9",
           "components": [
                   "_id": "cp-8fed6639-fb80-5ea1-9d4c-7a4508d6a266",
                   "cT": "text",
                   "data": {
                       "text": "I will need to get an agent on the line to help you with that. Please hold while I find an available agent."
                   "thumbnails": []
           "tN": "ConnectToAgent",
           "isBB": 0,
           "ms": 1,
           "lang": "en",
           "agentAssistDetails": {
               "streamId": "st-86ef3c8d-7021-5f2b-bf6c-8a14ec6fffb0",
               "srcChannel": "",
               "childBotStreamId": "st-86ef3c8d-7021-5f2b-bf6c-8a14ec6fffb0",
               "experience": "",
               "userInput": "ConnectToAgent"
           "iv": "njinotGbS2aYa+JMqV9pbw==",
           "ire": true,
           "timestampValue": 1691407090768,
           "sT": 0
           "channels": [
                   "type": "audiocodes"
           "type": "ctrlmsg",
           "status": "received",
           "createdBy": "u-c8c61885-85bb-5db2-bf8e-6fd4a97c58f9",
           "lmodifiedBy": "u-c8c61885-85bb-5db2-bf8e-6fd4a97c58f9",
           "lmodifiedOn": "2023-08-07T11:34:19.170Z",
           "isBB": 0,
           "ms": 4,
           "sT": 0,
           "components": [
                   "_id": "cp-125ef7dd-5126-5e17-8828-7f79db72b959",
                   "cT": "text",
                   "data": {
                       "text": "sending a ctrl message to CS"
                   "thumbnails": []
           "iv": "muN3K1QJY9GhQYQ0qcahwg==",
           "ire": true,
           "createdOn": "2023-08-07T11:34:19.197Z",
           "timestampValue": 1691408059197
   "summary": {
       "ConversationSummary": "agent will need to get an agent on the line to help customer with that.",
       "time": "2023-08-09T06:53:18.579Z"