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Managing User groups

On the User groups page in the User management module, you can create and manage logically related groups of users, as well as import groups, such as your company Active Directory groups. You can also create a custom group of users, for example, by geographical location, department title, or common interest. The following illustration is an example of the** User** groups page in the User Management module.


The following list describes the columns displayed in the groups listing.

GROUP NAME Displays the group name. Click a group name to edit the selected group – name, description, and members.
DESCRIPTION Displays the description of the group. This is an optional field.
CREATED BY Name of the user who created this group .
CREATED ON Date and time when the group was created.

Using the Search Field

The list of entries in a User groups table can be very large. To find one or more specific groups, in the Search field, enter the keywords. To view all entries, clear the search field.


You may want to create one or more groups of users in your account for users with, for example, a related interest, department, or location. Groups created by the admin are not visible to the user and are for administrative purposes only. This topic describes how to define a new group and add users, or existing groups of users to that group.

  1. In the User Management module, select User groups.
  2. Click the Create group button to display the Create user group dialog to add a new AI for Work group to your account.
  3. In the Create user group dialog,

    1. Group Name field, enter the name for the group.
    2. Optionally, in the Description field, enter a description for the group.
    3. Add the users to the group.

      1. To Add users by syncing from the distribution list, Search for DL and click Start Syncing.

      2. To add users by importing from a file, Click to upload the files.


        Only XLS, and CSV File types are supported.


      3. To add people manually, enter the name of the user.

  4. Click Create group. The group is created and the Groups page is displayed.



You may need to modify the members of a group. This topic describes how to modify the common group properties and the membership of an existing group.

  1. In the User Management module, on the User groups page, in the GROUP NAME column, click the name of the group to modify.
  2. The specific group page opens. You can modify the group description, Add users, and delete users from the group. To delete users, hover over the username you want to delete, and the delete icon will appear.

  3. Click Back. Your updates are auto-saved.



You may no longer need a group of users in your account. Complete the steps in the following procedure to delete a group.

  1. In the User Management module, on the User groups page, in the GROUP NAME column, click the name of the group to modify.
  2. The specific group page opens. Click the delete icon.

  3. In the Delete User group confirmation dialog, click Delete.



    This operation is permanent and cannot be undone.

  4. The group is deleted.