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An API key identifies and authorizes users, granting access rights to the API. It simplifies the authentication process by allowing users to provide a single key instead of a username and password combination. To access the API, the user must include their personal API key in the request headers.

Accessing the Personal API Key

Steps to generate and manage your key:

  1. Click on the profile icon located in the lower-left corner of the admin dashboard and select My profile.

    Alternatively, you can also retrieve the key from the My Profile section of the application, located in the upper-right corner of the homepage.

  2. Navigate to the Personal API Key section and click on it.

  3. Once generated, you can:

    • Copy the key for immediate use.

    • Regenerate the key.

    • Delete the key if it is no longer needed.

Using the Personal API Key

Include the Personal API Key in the Authorization header of your API requests as follows:

--header 'auth: {{Admin’s Personalkey}}'